Cannot cut-copy-paste

My version of HedgeDoc is: docker 1.9.6

What I expected to happen:

Be able to cut text with ctrl-x, copy text ctlr-c, paste text ctrl-v.

What actually happened:

Nothing happens.

I already tried:

Searching posts and docs.
The demo at works. It does allow cut copy paste.

Hey @dgleba,

any log output in the browser console or the server that could be of interest?
How exactly are you running HedgeDoc? I suppose you use a reverse proxy exposing the docker container to the internet? Maybe you can provide us with a bit more info. With the current info it’s hard to help you.


Setup: HedgeDog Docker (, Postgres, Traefik as ReverseProxy

Same problem here. Its seams to be a problem with multiline copy-and-past. For Example, this text here crash the container. I cant see any error messages, but the [...]info: HTTP Server listening at[...] message after a failed past.

I have a similar problem and I think it’s the same root cause. After a bit of work, I’ve discovered that if you copy-paste a large amount of text (such as multiline), it causes the server to fail and restart, just like @foorschtbar

By using a logged in user, and ensuring that I provide a session secret, even when the container crashes and restarts, my client will finish the copy-paste and insert the multiline data. There’s a bit of delay, and the webapp shows OFFLINE for a moment, but then everything’s fine.

With debug logs, I found that the moment I copy-paste into the web client, the following happens on the server… it looks very similar to a crash but I don’t know.

2023-05-02T00:53:53.214Z debug: 	dmp worker process started
2023-05-02T00:53:54.228Z info: 	All migrations performed successfully
2023-05-02T00:53:54.265Z info: 	HTTP Server listening at
2023-05-02T00:53:54.297Z debug: 	AUTH success cookie: REDACTED
2023-05-02T00:53:54.319Z info: 	deserializeUser:REDACTED
2023-05-02T00:53:54.379Z debug: 	read history success: REDACTED
2023-05-02T00:53:54.541Z debug: 	SERVER received [REDACTED] user status from [REDACTED]: {"idle":false,"type":"lg"}

I have a similar problem and I’ve made an issue here :

If anyone else have insights into the problem, please feel free to join the discussion on the GitHub issue

After some investigation, we discovered that the issue was linked to the volume of text pasted into a note rather than a special character, as initially assumed. The only relevant log entry we identified was Illegal instruction.

In an effort to address the problem, we explored potential CPU-related issues on the internet. A search for amd x86 nodejs crash led us to a related issue, nodejs/node#48700, which highlighted a nodejs library breaking due to a lack of AVX support.

To mitigate this, we applied a workaround for a separate AVX-related issue by changing the kernel version, and this successfully resolved the problem.

Detailed documentation of the investigation and resolution process can be found here: Hedgedoc container fails with illegal argument when running on openstack jammy infrastructure where avx is missing · Issue #2195 · orange-cloudfoundry/paas-templates · GitHub