DB migrates already 4 days

My version of HedgeDoc is: 1.9.9

What I expected to happen:

After upgrading from 1.7.2 to 1.9.9 the SQLite DB migration starts, after that Hedgedoc should start

What actually happened:

Ok my DB is 750MB but it runs already 4 day with always the same infomation output

2024-04-22T03:14:19.552Z info: Executing (default): DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE expires < ‘2024-04-22 03:14:19.550 +00:00’
2024-04-22T03:29:19.553Z info: Executing (default): DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE expires < ‘2024-04-22 03:29:19.550 +00:00’
2024-04-22T03:44:19.552Z info: Executing (default): DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE expires < ‘2024-04-22 03:44:19.551 +00:00’
2024-04-22T03:59:19.552Z info: Executing (default): DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE expires < ‘2024-04-22 03:59:19.550 +00:00’

I already tried:

Restart the process

Thank you for every hint



that log doesn’t look like a database migration, these are regular logs that cleanup old sessions. Could you provide some more log output, so we can check what’s going on?


Sure sheogorath, THX for your help

I unzip the latest Hedgedoc, copied my sqlite Db config.json and all the uploads in public directory

This works well: sudo -H -u hedgedoc bin/setup

After: sudo -H -u hedgedoc yarn start

2024-04-23T07:06:33.029Z info: == 20220901102800-convert-history-to-longtext: migrated (0.011s)

2024-04-23T07:06:33.029Z info: Executing (default): PRAGMA foreign_key_check;
2024-04-23T07:06:33.030Z info: Executing (default): RELEASE migration;
2024-04-23T07:06:33.030Z info: Executing (default): PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
2024-04-23T07:06:33.030Z info: All migrations performed successfully
2024-04-23T07:06:33.034Z info: Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Sessions (sid VARCHAR(36) PRIMARY KEY, expires DATETIME, data TEXT, createdAt DATETIME NOT NULL, updatedAt DATETIME NOT NULL);
2024-04-23T07:06:33.035Z info: Executing (default): SELECT id, shortid, alias, permission, viewcount, title, content, authorship, lastchangeAt, savedAt, createdAt, updatedAt, ownerId, lastchangeuserId FROM Notes AS Note WHERE ((Note.lastchangeAt IS NULL OR (Note.lastchangeAt IS NOT NULL AND Note.lastchangeAt > createdAt)) AND (Note.savedAt IS NULL OR Note.savedAt < lastchangeAt));
2024-04-23T07:06:33.036Z info: Executing (default): PRAGMA INDEX_LIST(Sessions)
2024-04-23T07:06:33.040Z info: HTTP Server listening at
2024-04-23T07:06:33.041Z info: Executing (default): PRAGMA INDEX_INFO(sqlite_autoindex_Sessions_1)
2024-04-23T07:11:32.306Z info: Executing (default): SELECT id, shortid, alias, permission, viewcount, title, content, authorship, lastchangeAt, savedAt, createdAt, updatedAt, ownerId, lastchangeuserId FROM Notes AS Note WHERE ((Note.lastchangeAt IS NULL OR (Note.lastchangeAt IS NOT NULL AND Note.lastchangeAt > createdAt)) AND (Note.savedAt IS NULL OR Note.savedAt < lastchangeAt));
2024-04-23T07:21:32.374Z info: Executing (default): DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE expires < ‘2024-04-23 07:21:32.368 +00:00’
2024-04-23T07:36:32.371Z info: Executing (default): DELETE FROM Sessions WHERE expires < ‘2024-04-23 07:36:32.368 +00:00’