Easy installer of HedgeDoc?


I use HedgeDoc demo for years and I teach markdown for my students through the demo instance, since… the rules changed. I think it’s time for me to host my own instance to continue working online in a collaborative way with my students, but I’m not a dev at all and it seems too hard for me to install by myself an instance.

I am able to install a wordpress from scratch, for instance, but it’s been a long time that I didn’t do it, because of the Softaculous instance existing on many webhosts. Is there a way to install HedgeDoc that simple way ? Do you plan to add HedgeDoc in Softaculous package or equivalent ?

Hello @semiopat,

there are several community contributed installation methods for “simple hosting”, for example YunoHost or Cloudron.

See the details here: https://docs.hedgedoc.org/setup/community/#one-click-installer

Be aware that these installation methods are contributed by the community and not tested by the developer team. In case, you’re somewhat familiar with Docker (there are also great tutorials on that out there), we’d recommend using the Docker image: https://docs.hedgedoc.org/setup/docker/

I’ve never heard of Softaculous before and we’re not supporting it officially.

Best regards,

Hello Erik,
Thanks for your answer, it will help. Docker is too far for me, I never try it.

Best regards,