Is there a way to restore all notes on the history listing?

My version of HedgeDoc is: image: Quay

What I expected to happen:

I want to restore all notes to the history listing

What actually happened:

I don’t know how

I already tried:

I looked at the database tables in Postgres and tried to see what makes a note appear on the history page listing.

Hello @dgleba,

welcome to the community forum.

The history page is populated with notes you visited. There is also a import / export feature. So either you visit all the notes (the shortid in the db can be used to access the notes) or you write yourself a json file to import with all the links…


I am trying to import the history from the anonymous session into a signed-in session.

It is possible to select a file for upload. There is a button to update the history list, but I am not sure if this uploads the file. It remains selected in the file button.

Documentation about this procedure seems nowhere to be found, not here in the forum, not in issues, and also not on

Maybe someone can help out with this question:
How does one conduct a successful import, and which are the expected steps to do so?

Hey @yala,

welcome to the community forum.

There is a download button on the history that you can use to download a file named hedgedoc_history_$currentDate.json. This contains your history as in which notes you visited (but not the notes themselves). On the same HedgeDoc instance you can import this file to restore the history field, if you e.g. deleted it with the trash icon or similar. For this you choose the downloaded file after pressing the directory icon next to the export icon and when you select the file and pess the button in the file dialog it will restore your history. If the history did not change between download and restore nothing will happen.


This doesn’t work for me on HedgeDoc 1.9.9. The file is selected, but then nothing happens. The server logs also show no requests, neither does the browser network tab.

The HTMP input element of type file lives, as expected, within a form element, but that one doesn’t have any button of type submit, nor is there any event attached with the file input element in the DOM.

How is the ideal sequence of steps and requests for history upload which a user will do, and which events the frontend and the backend logs will see? I would like to debug this further, and compare the expected behaviour with the perceived behaviour, so any misconfiguration or unexpected side effects can be spotted.

Thank you for your kind guidance.

Thanks for bringing this up.
Could you please open a bug report in our issue tracker for this problem? We’ll try to reproduce that then and might prepare a fix or give better advise.

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Yes, that’s what I thought, too.