My version of HedgeDoc is: 1.9.2/latest
I just noticed that the CodiMD community had largely moved to HedgeDoc, and so I just decided to migrate. Everything worked fine, except that our avatars no longer appear.
I expected that my avatars would still be visible, as libravatar falls back to gravatar. When I look up my email on Libravatar, the correct avatar shows up for MD5. Instead, the default avatar was used in HedgeDoc.
The only possible issue I can think of is that I am still using postgress:11.6-alpine, though I’m not sure why that would cause an issue and I did not see any errors with debug mode enabled.
Edit: The same thing happens with a fresh container and postgres 13.4-alpine.
Here are my associated environment variables that work with CodiMD:
- CMD_OAUTH2_SCOPE=openid email profile