Unable to edit existing note

My version of HedgeDoc is: 1.96

What I expected to happen:

Edit a note

What actually happened:

when i type a character it is immediately erased.

I already tried:

I looked for existing posts like this.
I can edit other notes. I can create a note. I logged out and in again.
No clue how to troubleshoot this.

Update 2023-03-12 05:44 PM :

It says I owned it. That is odd. I should still own it. It seems to imply I no longer own it.
How could I disown it?
I was able to change it to freely.

I tried to add more helpful information but this site won’t accept my images.

I continued posting here:

Note: I appreciate your work. Reporting this took considerable time. I do hope the right people appreciate it.