Users do not see each other

My version of HedgeDoc is: 1.9.2

What I expected to happen:

Installed docker container on cloud server, via

I expected everything to work. However, no matter how many users are logged in, each user only sees himself (1 online), making collaboration impossible.

I already tried:

Checked docker compose and caddy config, everything seems fine.

Interesting to know, that Hetzner designed “a HedgeDoc app” for their service. I think the first step be to check the web console for error and start to debug from there. I would guess, that there is bug in their deployment, since there is no known issue in that direction for HedgeDoc 1.9.2.

I would suggest to open an issue in the repository you linked reporting this, as well as the app being outdated, given that we have published 1.9.4.