How to customize look of hedgedoc installation?

My version of HedgeDoc is: 1.9.4

What I expected to happen:

I wan’t to change the favicon and the banner to a custom one because there are many hedgedoc installations out there and its bit confusing while every single instance looks the same!

What actually happened:

default favicon and logo on each installation! no variation allowed without coding?

I already tried:

There is a old thread and i tried out to mount the favicon and logo like described but nothing changed:

other locations i found are /hedgedoc/docs/content/images/favicon.png but that is only for the documentation i think. under public there are only two files and but no images ore something!

HedgeDoc 1 doesn’t support most of these changes without coding. You could override the favicon by overwriting the files or by using docker mount. The files are located in /hedgedoc/public/icons/
To see which files needs to be overriden check the git repository under hedgedoc/public/icons at master · hedgedoc/hedgedoc · GitHub .

HedgeDoc 2 will have customization like motd, custom intro and branding out of the box.

Seems like you looked at the develop branch. The develop branch contains only the backend code for HedgeDoc 2. The frontend is in another repository. This is explained in the repository’s readme file.

that is what you get when you use the docker file in version 1.9.4 not dev ore something!

under public there are only two files and but no images ore something!

What do you mean? These files are not present in the 1.9.4 docker image.

There is a old thread and i tried out to mount the favicon and logo like described but nothing changed

This is because this post is outdated and you need to override more than a single file to change the favicon. If you want to change the favicon in HedgeDoc 1 then you need to override every image in /hedgedoc/public/icons/.

Hint: We used to generate the favicon files.